Bible Study


Psalm 1:2. “Their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.”

Coming to bible study? Here are some preparatory readings. Each style of bible study will meet on alternate weeks in person in the downstairs hall kitchen. No need to sign up, just come along!


Next dates in 2025:

Tuesday, January 14 at 7:00 pm - themed bible study
Theme: "King Saul - The Flawed Servant"
Reading: 1 Samuel 10:1-9, 1 Samuel 13:5-14 and 1 Samuel 28:3-19

Thursday, January 23 at 10:00 am - classic bible study
Romans Chapter 1

Tuesday, January 28 at 7:00 pm - themed bible study

Thursday, February 6 at 10:00 am - classic bible study


Say it with Flowers


The flowers by the altar, beautifully arranged by members of the altar guild, are a wonderful part of the decoration of our church. If you would like your event or special occasion commemorated in flowers and shown in the parish notices, please add your name to the sign-up poster in the parish hall or email the officce. The suggested minimum donation is $80 to cover the cost of flowers.


If you would like to make a Christmas memorial or thanksgiving donation, please do so by December 17 to be printed in the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day announcements.

St John's Vision Statement:  A Supportive Diverse Community Where All Find Belonging, Hope and Purpose Through Christ.


St John's Mission Statement: Our Mission is to be a transformative & sustainable presence in the community, where every person is valued and empowered to thrive through a vibrant faith in God.  We are committed to using this land & facilities to foster connection, support and spiritual growth with our neighbours.


There are many ministries to share. There are many members which make up the body of Christ.
  • Altar Guild
A devoted group that sets up the altar for services and beautifies the church with flowers and other seasonal settings. A wonderful way to make use of your creative talents. If you wish to donate towards the altar flowers in the church in memory of a loved one or in celebration of an anniversary, please contact Phyllis Prescott or email the office.
  • Readers, Servers & Chalice Bearers
These are important ministries, both practical and symbolic, which enhance the worship of the whole congregation.  On Sundays, one reader reads the scripture and another reads the Prayers of the People. Servers assist the priest at the altar. Chalice Bearers participate in the sharing of communion. Your participation is welcome for one Sunday or as part of a regular schedule, for any level of committment that speaks to you. If you are interested in serving God and our community in any of these roles, please speak to one of the wardens or email the office.


  • Greeters
This Sunday morning ministry is important because it sets the tone for each service. Greeters represent the St. John's community as they welcome the congregation into the church one by one, hand out bulletins, and direct newcomers. Your participation is welcome or one Sunday or many, as the spirit calls you. If you are interested in joining the greeters team, please speak to one of the wardens or email the office.
  • Coffee Hour Hosts
Each Sunday, after church, the congregation gathers in the parish hall to share drinks and snacks and enjoy lively conversation. Two volunteers slip out of church a few minutes early to put the kettle on and make sure this social time is ready and inviting. Newcomers are always welcome.  If you are interested in joining the coffee hour hosts, please speak to one of the wardens or email the office. 
  • MAP Teams
In September 2022, the congregation gathered to discuss our Mission Action Plan. This was a short-term planning session to gather ideas for upcoming activities at St. John's. After the planning sessions, three small teams were formed. Over the past year, these teams have championed the ideas that the congregation was most excited about. Actions include restarting special events which Covid interrupted, creating new special events, exploring new worship music, and fostering our relationships with neighbouring churches. If you would like to volunteer, but you're not sure what you would like to do, contact the office about the MAP Teams and we'll find something that suits you!


  • Music Ministry: Organist - Clement Ng
Choral music is sung by a dedicated group of individuals. If you can carry a tune, have enthusiasm for singing, and a desire to have fun, contact Deborah Warner or Clement Ng during church, or email the office.

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